Saudi Readymix proudly announces an official IKTVA Score for 2020 of 65%. This was achieved by adding domestic value in supplying concrete and related products to local clients and projects, including in Saudi Aramco projects. Local materials were used, and Saudis employees were recruited and trained. As per our Company’s purpose “To contribute to preserving the wealth of the nation & its people”.
The IKTVA program (In Kingdom Total Value Add by Saudi Aramco) has as a main goal to drive additional domestic value creation to support a rapidly changing economic environment and to foster our future prosperity In line with 2030 Saudi vision.
Saudi Readymix is the largest supplier of ready-mixed concrete in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia; it has a network of more than 40 factories located in various strategic cities and locations throughout the Kingdom. The company operates the largest fleet of mobile equipment in the region. Also, our Research & Development Center contributes to research in the field of the concrete industry in cooperation to research in concrete in cooperation with various institutes and academic institutions.