We believe that you should start picking your concrete based on the performance that you want from each element of your future house’s structure. we recommend different types of concretes based on the location of project, the element in the structure and the type of structure. As with every type of product or material, you can always use basic kinds of concrete that would simply do the job or opt for premium concrete types if you look for more first-class benefits customized for your unique home structure.
We can improve the durability of concrete by providing you with specially designed mixes that are carefully thoughtout and excuted for your specific project. We study your project archticture and location and provide you with a peace of mind. Dura-Crete is a high-quality product designed specially to provide highly-durable concrete that would extend the lifespan of the building or villa. The durability of the concrete is normally achieved by introducing special additives to the concrete mix and enhancing the fresh properties of concrete to reduce workmanship problems.
Check out our innovative Durability Calculator Page